Astropolis is open to the public every wednesday, saturday and sunday, between 2 PM and 6 PM. During school holidays we are also open on tuesday and thursday afternoons. Schools are welcome on tuesdays and thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Groups are welcome by appointment (also in the evening) .
Duinkerkseweg 16 – 8400 Oostende
Tel.: 059/36.09.78
Free parking and bicycle storage
Welcome !
An Astropolis ticket gives you access to both our temporary exhibitions and the auditorium. A visit lasts on average about one to three hours, depending on your interests. Need to additionally stimulate the gray matter? Then take part in our various public events, lectures, viewing evenings or performances.
During school holidays you can come to us for numerous innovative workshops: from challenging 3D kits, the construction of robot rovers, a solar system mobile to the building and launching of water and/or micro rockets ! In short, there is always something to do in Astropolis…
Not fascinated by astronomy and/or space travel ? Then come and enjoy a nice drink in our Astrocafé (+ terrace) with a view of the ‘Nieuwe Prijs’ park. One of the few quiet and green locations in Ostend, located along the 35 km long cycle route ‘Green Ribbon’ ! We have a spacious bicycle shed and you can park your car for free on the paved strip along the Duinkerkseweg. What are you waiting for ?
Astropolis has a small and a large exhibition space in which we provide self-designed temporary exhibitions, or XPOs as we call them. Each XPO is in Dutch and easily understandable (from 8 years). Small XPOs usually last six to twelve months. This is the only way we can respond to current events. Large XPOs last for about three to four years and usually deal with a timeless astronomy or space-related theme…
Race to the Moon
Our ‘Race to the Moon’ XPO takes you back to the past when prehistoric man designed the first lunar calendar as a hunting aid. The Moon also appeared to stimulate our imagination. Was it the place where the gods lived ? Could we ever fly there ? A dream that has continued to haunt us and led directly to the development of the first rocket and ultimately the impressive Apollo project. Today we are once again making plans to visit our nearest neighbor with the Artemis missions…

Project Artemis
In our brand new ‘Project Artemis’ XPO, which runs from September 18, 2023 to December 31, 2024 (and is being systematically expanded), we will follow the new manned adventures to the Moon. Each Artemis Moon mission is explained in detail using a lot of unique images and video material. You can also find some very nice scale models. Additional workshops, lectures and documentaries (during the duration of this XPO) complete the story. The youngest visitors will undoubtedly linger at our gigantic moon diorama on which they can find a realistic LEGO Moon Base…
Our Lemaitre auditorium, named after the Belgian astronomer who made an important contribution to the hypothesis of the expanding universe, has 54 cozy seats as well as 4 places for wheelchair users. The room is equipped with a 5 m wide screen, a Dolby Atmos sound system and a 4K projector with 3D support for an optimal cinema experience with, among other things, these fascinating documentaries…
A beautiful planet
| Show at 15.00 hours
Join astronauts Wilmore, Virts and Cristoforetti as they look down on our Earth from the International Space Station. The astronauts took beautiful night shots of the billions of lights that illuminate the Earth. Although this produces spectacular images, it also clearly shows the effect that the ever-increasing world population has on the earth. A beautiful planet gives a beautiful picture of life in the space station; how do you wash your hair, how is recycled and how do you celebrate Christmas in space? Take this opportunity to be an astronaut for a while and learn more about the place we call home…
Journey to space
| Show at 16.00 hours
Journey To Space places the wonderful contributions of the Space Shuttle program and its intrepid space pioneers in historical context. The most spectacular space images are used, such as the deployment and repair of the Hubble Space Telescope. It then shows how the shuttle launched and assembled the International Space Station (ISS). Together, these programs have taught us how to live, build, and conduct scientific experiments in space. The ISS will continue to operate in space until 2024, and the film shows how it builds a foundation for the next giant leaps into space, ending with a fascinating, real-life scenario of how astronauts will actually go to Mars and stay there for longer time will live. and then return home after a two and a half year mission …
The sights of space
| Show at 17.00 hours
‘The Sights of Space’ is an interstellar road trip to the most amazing places we’ve discovered in the galaxy, as well as some stops at speculative worlds we think may exist. A brand new and visually extremely impressive documentary…
| 17.00 uur – The sights of space
| 17.30 uur – The sights of space
| 16.00 uur – Journey to space
| 16.43 uur – The secret mystery of the Moon
| 15.00 uur – A beautiful planet
| 15.47 uur – The secret mystery of the Moon

In our Astropolis brochure you can find all kinds of useful information ranging from our location, opening hours, accessibility, cafeteria, space shop and of course our very extensive range of services, activities and events.
Click HERE to download our PDF brochure !
The entire building, except for the large observation dome, is 100% accessible for wheelchair users. There is sufficient space between the information panels and there are four places for wheelchair users in the auditorium. There is also a spacious elevator available. Each staircase is equipped with a child’s and adult’s handrail. Handy for those who have difficulty walking…
Specific questions ? Contact us at !

Your experience
Visited our museum, attended a lecture or course, attended a screening, took a guided tour, experienced an innovative workshop or simply enjoyed a snack and drink on our terrace. Share your experience via a Google Review. We thank you in advance for your efforts…